Posts in Interior Design

What do you think of when you hear the word intention? Do you realize that your intentionality is the only thing that can create a beautiful environment for you? In this article I go over what intentions are and how to harness yours to empower your creativity. In your building of your own meaningful life, your intention is the most important thing to focus on. Read on to discover what the link between creativity and intentions is. Im excited for you to engage with your own deeper expression!

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Before you design your interior… Do you know your WHY?

Before you design your interior…

Do you know your why?

Do you feel stressed when you think about designing your space?

There is no reason that this process cannot be fun and exhilarating for you!

There is one deep secret that I need to share with you dearest reader.

Identifying your deepest desires is the key to good design.

You too can create a beautiful connection to your environment by focusing on how you want your space to feel. Deep down you need to hold this high above everything else. Use it as your northern star BEFORE beginning a new design project.

I know first hand from my clients when they first come to me how stressful thinking about creating your space can be. It’s so easy to be overwhelmed with how do I even start, what do I focus on, is what I like even “correct”, and how are all of these pieces going to work together? We are all inundated by “perfect” spaces created by “perfect people”, it almost seems unattainable to create a space that looks like some of these rooms.

But this couldn’t be further from the truth.

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Interior Design as Couple’s Therapy

Interior Design as Couple’s (or Roomate) Therapy

Ok so you have great taste and know just what you like but what about your partner? Are you worried that your fellow decision maker is going to mess all of your dreams for your environment up?

If this is the case we are going to need to so a little bit of inner work! This is the perspective of a designer who has worked with countless clients, couples, and roommates!

If you feel like you and your partner, spouse, roommate or family are out of sync in regards to the creation of a new environment for all of you, then read on, I think you will find this process a lot more fun when you get some perspective.

Think of this as your own Design couple’s therapy exercise!

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Good Design Doesn’t Have to be Expensive!

Good Design Doesn’t Have to be Expensive

If you think good design is expensive think again!

Do you think good design is only possible for the exorbitantly rich, because that couldn’t be the furthest from the truth.

Everyone thinks that good design is almost unattainable.

I want to illustrate that great design doesn’t have to be expensive!

I want you to take the power back and realize that good design for you is out there. All you have to do is get really clear on who you are and what you want before beginning.

I know that this is the single biggest concern of most of my clients because they are real people with real lives who don’t have unlimited money!

I hear time and time again from my first time clients how fearful they are of spending too much money on design and how maybe they need to wait and they don’t deserve a full re-design of a specific space or their home.

I think the design industry unhealthily perpetuates some narratives. Like good design vs. bad design equals expensive things vs inexpensive things. Or like good design costs hundreds of thousands of dollars and as long as the things you buy are expensive you have good taste...

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How to effortlessly uncover your personal color palette.

How to effortlessly uncover your personal color palette.

Does thinking about finding a cohesive color palette for your home stress you out?

I know that this can be overwhelming I hear it from my clients, time and time again!

I want to show you through this article that everyone has colors that they are intuitively drawn to.

I want to reveal how you can uncover these for yourself without much effort at all!

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How do I Style my Coffee Table... like a normal human.

How to style a coffee table.

There is a lot of competing information out there around coffee table styling!

I wanted to share how I style a coffee table and more importantly the logic behind my choices so that you can decide what and does not work for you.

As always I invite you my clients and readers to look out for what you love and what actually works for you.

My hope here is to, instead of just showing you glorious over photoshopped photos of coffee tables filled with stacks of coffee table books and expecting you to recreate that to “fit in” to what is stylish right now… Break down what is happening here and list out some different ways to tailor this to you own lifestyle!

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What is timeless design and how do I achieve it?

What is timeless design and how does one achieve this?…

Timeless style doesn’t have to be this unachievable pipe dream.

You too can have a beautiful home that reflects who you are and stays in style for years to come!

I know how insane the design world can seem to someone new. All of the trends constantly changing, the new paint color switching on you and the design styles end up feeling like a passing page in a magazine to turn to dust never to return again!

I’ve seen this futile attempt to chase after the perfect aesthetic in the moment fail, over, and over, and over again.

Although it may seem like timeless design is unachievable because everything is constantly changing there is a way out and I want to show you!

You just have to trust me here and step outside the box.

A home designed with timelessness in mind will always bring more lasting joy than trying to taste the flavor of the design month.

When you decide to focus on things that matter instead of trends and styles you can create timeless decorating for yourself too.

If you stay in the crazy land of chasing down every last trend thinking, this is it, I’ve figured it out, sorry to say you will inevitably end up with a home you regret in a few years.

However if you actually take the time to figure out what you love instead of what others tell you to love… timeless design is just around the corner for you my friend.

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How to Discover Your Own Design Aesthetic - Video

How to discover your own Design Aesthetic. In the interior design industry too many people are forced to comply with existing design styles and the design aesthetics of the designers that they hire! I find this tragic because I believe in the sovereignty of the individual and I know deep in my soul that every single person has a beautiful creative voice. Everyone deserves to explore this creative voice in their own life through their environment. Don’t allow yourself to be sucked into the narrative that you need to sell your soul to these interior designers own aesthetics, or the popular culture of what is “correct” in design, or allow the people selling furniture to tell you what you “need” in your own environment! Only you know the answers to these questions in regards to your own environment. I want to empower my clients and anyone who watches this video to take their own creative power back. A true creative individual lies within you!

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