Posts tagged designers
How to Discover Your Own Design Aesthetic - Video

How to discover your own Design Aesthetic. In the interior design industry too many people are forced to comply with existing design styles and the design aesthetics of the designers that they hire! I find this tragic because I believe in the sovereignty of the individual and I know deep in my soul that every single person has a beautiful creative voice. Everyone deserves to explore this creative voice in their own life through their environment. Don’t allow yourself to be sucked into the narrative that you need to sell your soul to these interior designers own aesthetics, or the popular culture of what is “correct” in design, or allow the people selling furniture to tell you what you “need” in your own environment! Only you know the answers to these questions in regards to your own environment. I want to empower my clients and anyone who watches this video to take their own creative power back. A true creative individual lies within you!

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How to Combat Perfectionism In Interior Design

Are you afraid to engage with design in your home?

Do not allow the idea of perfection scare you away from design! Don’t let the ego overtake your soul in regards to designing your own environment! Im going to explain some tips on how to combat perfectionism in interior design, within your own home design projects.

I want you and all of my clients to know that there is no such thing as perfection, the perfect room, or the perfect room ideas.

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