Catherine Rose Design

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Bathroom Decor

Aesthetic Bathroom Decor & Organization Ideas:

Do you want to have a creative bathroom that you enjoy being in?

A space that you created that supports an atmosphere of holistic wellness?

I want to assure you that anyone can create a space of holistic wellness in their bathroom. No matter the size, or if you rent! In this post Im going to go over bath decor and bathroom ideas that will help support holistic living!

Bathrooms should be considered sacred and I want you to engage positively with your bath space so that your overall home experience supports you!

I know first hand how challenging certain bathroom spaces can be. Whether you only have a pedestal sink with no storage, or you may not have space for an entire towel rack, you too can have a bathroom that you actually enjoy being in if we can implement some of the following ideas.

Currently I share a tiny bathroom space with my boyfriend so trust me I know your pain. Through my career and this experience is why I implemented a lot of these ideas into my own bath space! I can’t wait to share with you some bathroom interior creative ideas to help you out in this area.

Although it may seem like your bathroom has no hope, there is always space to think creatively and solve some of the problems that you face, no matter what you are dealing with.

By thinking outside of the box, you can create a space that brings you joy and healing instead of frustration. These bathroom organization suggestions will help you to regain some mental space.

With a bath interior that brings you joy with intentional functionality you can begin to start your day in a space that invokes holistic wellness.

If you don’t mind not having a space for your things and not loving your small bathroom interior than this post isn’t for you!

Below I have described some philosophies and functional hacks that combined have helped me to fall in love with my tiny bath space too.

Bath Bliss Tips:

Through any of your work in your own personal environment, always remember that,

Let me know if you guys found any of these tips helpful. I would also love to hear how you all engage in self care in your bathroom interiors if you are up for sharing!

Thank you so much for reading!

• If you are looking for some gorgeous bath inspiration, follow my Design Aesthetic - Bath Pinterest Board!

• If you would like to read some of my own random journal entries go to •musings•

• If you are interested in more Interior design, deeper self, wellness, or psychology posts…

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I also have the following blogs and resources to help you with your holistic interior design goals if you are looking for more!:

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