What is timeless design and how do I achieve it?

What is timeless design and how does one achieve this?…

Timeless style doesn’t have to be this unachievable pipe dream.

You too can have a beautiful home that reflects who you are and stays in style for years to come!

I know how insane the design world can seem to someone new. All of the trends constantly changing, the new paint color switching on you and the design styles end up feeling like a passing page in a magazine to turn to dust never to return again!

I’ve seen this futile attempt to chase after the perfect aesthetic in the moment fail, over, and over, and over again.

Although it may seem like timeless design is unachievable because everything is constantly changing there is a way out and I want to show you!

You just have to trust me here and step outside the box.

A home designed with timelessness in mind will always bring more lasting joy than trying to taste the flavor of the design month.

When you decide to focus on things that matter instead of trends and styles you can create timeless decorating for yourself too.

If you stay in the crazy land of chasing down every last trend thinking, this is it, I’ve figured it out, sorry to say you will inevitably end up with a home you regret in a few years.

However if you actually take the time to figure out what you love instead of what others tell you to love… timeless design is just around the corner for you my friend.

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How to Discover Your Own Design Aesthetic - Video

How to discover your own Design Aesthetic. In the interior design industry too many people are forced to comply with existing design styles and the design aesthetics of the designers that they hire! I find this tragic because I believe in the sovereignty of the individual and I know deep in my soul that every single person has a beautiful creative voice. Everyone deserves to explore this creative voice in their own life through their environment. Don’t allow yourself to be sucked into the narrative that you need to sell your soul to these interior designers own aesthetics, or the popular culture of what is “correct” in design, or allow the people selling furniture to tell you what you “need” in your own environment! Only you know the answers to these questions in regards to your own environment. I want to empower my clients and anyone who watches this video to take their own creative power back. A true creative individual lies within you!

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Wabi–Sabi ...an answer to perfectionism & materialism.

Do you find yourself overwhelmed with the demands of the materialistic world?

Is your inner voice driving you crazy with its cry for perfectionism?..

Wabi-Sabi is a beautiful Japanese concept that introduces a different way of reacting to our environments, that may just be what you are looking for!

You can introduce some peace and serenity into your environments too by listening to what Wabi- Sabi has to say to us.

I know how intense the world feels right now, I wanted to introduce this concept to you if you are looking for some serene balance in your space.

I think the process of engaging purposefully in your environment can be extremely transformative. By exploring new concepts to yourself you can broaden your own horizons, and empower yourself to choose what is right for you.

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Mental Health: How to Heal Your Connection to Your Environment.

Often people don’t realize that their connection to their environment effects their mental health, and that their mental constructs equally effect their environment!

By being aware of your own inner landscape you can engage powerfully with the creation of your own environment, no matter your circumstances!

If you are feeling overwhelmed, and not quite at home in your space, I want you to take these tips and thought exercises to effect change in your own environments. The solution lies within you.

I know first hand how challenging a space can feel. We all don’t realize how much our preconceived notions are affecting our spaces (or the rest of our life). I’m here to show you that really have the power and I’m excited to reveal some common thought traps and solutions for you below!

Being a designer for over ten years I have come into contact with all of these thought pattern examples, and many more. These patterns occur again and again and I want to free you from these unconscious modes of creation so that you can actually choose how you feel in your space. Engage your emotional intelligence!

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Why you should think about using vintage and second hand objects...

Why you should think about using vintage and second hand objects. More People should be buying second hand and vintage pieces for their environment.

You don’t have to be a designer to make beautiful second hand choices in your home.

I want you to feel empowered to make better choices for your environment and show you a whole new world of choice for you within the vintage aesthetic!

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• An Empath’s Musings •

These “musings” are journal entries I’ve written myself. A mix of poetry, random thoughts, and a lot of navel gazing! I wanted to share some of my thoughts and conversations that I have with my deeper self, since I ask such personal questions of my design clients in my interior design process.

I hope through reading these you can see a little bit of yourselves too.



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The Beginner’s Guide to: Holistic Interior Design

The Beginner’s Guide to: Holistic Interior Design

Today I’m going to show you why you should look at your design project from a holistic perspective.

I remember when I first started to learn about design. Everything seemed so overwhelming and there was so much to learn, the last thing I thought to think about was how everything made me feel. I started thinking that there was a “right” or “correct” way to do things. But since the time of my first real design client, I knew that something way deeper was at play here. I’ve committed my career to introducing this to my clients! The goal here is getting to a place of expressing yourself from balanced alignment with your deeper self.

I want you and all of my clients to know that there is no such thing as perfection, the perfect room, or the perfect room ideas.

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