Why you should think about using vintage and second hand objects...


Why you should think about using vintage and second hand objects…

More People should be buying second hand and vintage pieces for their environment.

You don’t have to be a designer to make beautiful second hand choices in your home. 

I want you to feel empowered to make better choices for your environment and show you a whole new world of choice for you within the vintage aesthetic!

I know that thinking about second hand and vintage pieces may freak people out. Asking themselves questions like, is it clean, how do I know if its in style or “cool”, how can I figure out if something is good enough quality?

The world of second hand objects and vintage pieces is a big one. It can seem intense if you are new to it. However, if you follow your gut you can make beautiful choices for you and your home. Remember that the best “designer” is your inner voice! Try and get quiet and just think about what you like, your heart knows what it wants.

I’m here with my special brand of design to share with you that you have the power within yourself. There are no rules. The entire design industry has made it their actual job to take away your power. Who knows what is best for their own environment but you?

Seriously… no one.

That is why I love thrift stores and second hand consignment shops! These are places, like an old book store that is divorced from the “rules” forced on you by design society and fake material goals. If you can be brave and actually trust yourself, second hand thrift stores are such great places for self discovery and deep engagement with a supportive environment for yourself!

(ps: so are used book stores…)

Although engaging with second hand furniture seems daunting, but trust me the plus sides are immense and you have the ability to do this even if you are new to this world!

By thinking outside of the box, you can create a space that brings you joy and healing, by using eco-conscious choices, without sacrificing style, you can actual create outside of the fake design box that gets jammed down our throats!

One of the best parts of this process is that you also don’t have to sacrifice your values for style.

If you ignore this world, and are too afraid to make your own design choices you are truly going to miss out. Vintage and second hand pieces have more soul and are better for your own alignment and the environment too.

If you stay stuck in the ever changing, anxiety inducing, interior design land of made up “correctness” instead of trusting yourself and allowing you to utilize new ways of looking at things, you risk not aligning your true self to your environment!

Get out there! Follow your heart! Explore, you can do this I believe in you!

I want to go over some of the amazing benefits of looking outside of the big box stores and closing the fast manufacturing loop in our overly materialistic society.

1.Eco-friendly living:

One of the most obvious benefits is that buying vintage and second-hand is the positive environmental impact of not buying new. You can save resources from manufacturing itself, as well as saving pieces from the inevitable fate of the landfill. Think about creating a more aligned eco-home. By continuing the life of any object you can feel good about doing your part to help the earth that we are all an intrinsic part of!

2. Often better quality/ at lower prices:

Surprise! Often older pieces are built with better making practices.The world has sped up to such a degree that we are all expecting instantaneous production. Guess what most often suffers with this expectation here… quality. If you are willing to put some actual effort into figuring out what you like, and look for it out in the world, you will be exposed to so many more things that exist outside the mass production cycle! Because second hand isn’t concerned with things like marketing data and narrative pushing, that money gets passed on to you. When you choose older objects as a liberated individual, you will save money.

3. Step out of mass produced rat race:

Along the same lines, the design industry is built to feed you a sense of lack. Constantly pushing the narrative that there are people and things that know better and are better than you. It’s a crock of BS. Liberate yourself from this viscous advertisement cycle and step into the second-hand world. These pre-loved pieces have an actual story to tell you. No one is going to judge you for thinking intelligently about your environment. I actually would argue that you will impress people more with your space if you step outside of the replicated cookie cutter design styles of the moment! (although pleaseee don’t re-design your space to impress others, in fact…don’t do ANYTHING to impress others). Embrace the “cast offs”, allow yourself to connect with your inner voice, and allow yourself to widen your perspective and feel the attraction, and follow that.

4. Get aligned with your actual style easier, because there are more varying pieces:

Another great side effect of vintage furniture shopping is there is a wider variety of things for you to look at! This is the perfect environment for you to discover what your own personal design aesthetic is! If you are new to the design universe check out my post on what a design aesthetic is here! Because vintage and second hand shops aren’t tied to the specific styles of right now and show you objects from all of the past time frames, you all of a sudden have access to a much wider range of objects in one space. Quiet the voice of “I’m overwhelmed now, there’s too much,”, I get this, but all you have to do is tap into what you are consciously attracted to, start there. Keep doing this, over and over. Before you know it you have stumbled upon your own aesthetic, with instructions direct from your soul.


5. These environments will show you what you like quicker:

Similarly to #4, because there is such a variety of pieces available in one space to you, you can figure out what you like at a faster rate! Compared to the internet, or shopping in individual big box stores, it is hard to separate out the things that you don’t like. This is because everything is new and expertly presented to hook you into a purchase… These are the spaces that get confusing for new design experiencers, and people unfortunately often don’t realize this on their own. But when you are in a second-hand shop it becomes a lot clearer what objects you love and what objects don’t belong in your aesthetic! Start here and you can carry what you learned about yourself into the more curated spaces, so you can continue to make decisions that are in alignment for your aesthetic. And not just sold to you as the “correct” or “only” style with loud ads and flashing lights.

6. A slower more aligned process:

Just like #5 because second hand and vintage spaces aren’t trying to sell you something specific, you don’t have to fight against what is being sold to you. You can focus on your inner voice because there is no competing agenda!

Relax and open your perception!

When you slow down and think about making conscious choices from a more aligned space inside you you cannot make a mistake!

I personally have always loved second hand and vintage shopping. The excitement of actually having variety across time and quality was always exciting to me. It creates a space of real agency, and you can make purchases in alignment with some of your higher values as well. Win/ Win!

Let me know if you guys found any of these tips helpful. I would also love to hear how you shop for vintage and second hand pieces if you are up for sharing!

Thank you so much for reading!

BEFORE. Found on the corner of the street in LA

BEFORE. Found on the corner of the street in LA

AFTER. With a little imagination and elbow grease!

AFTER. With a little imagination and elbow grease!

May your choices reflect your hopes, not your fears.
— Nelson Mandela

Hi I’m Catherine,

“I balance authentic interior design with intuitive insight to help my clients connect to their deeper selves by empowering their own creative self expression.

I create space for them to follow their desires and depth of feeling, into a new environment that supports them, mind, body, & soul”


Catherine Rose

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