Catherine Rose Design

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What is timeless design and how do I achieve it?

What is timeless design and how do I achieve it?

My own photo of the Zen garden of Ryōan-ji.

Timeless style doesn’t have to be this unachievable pipe dream.

You too can have a beautiful home that reflects who you are and stays in style for years to come!

I know how insane the design world can seem to someone new. All of the trends constantly changing, the new paint color switching on you and the design styles end up feeling like a passing page in a magazine to turn to dust never to return again!

I’ve seen this futile attempt to chase after the perfect aesthetic in the moment fail, over, and over, and over again.

Although it may seem like timeless design is unachievable because everything is constantly changing there is a way out and I want to show you!

You just have to trust me here and step outside the box.

A home designed with timelessness in mind will always bring more lasting joy than trying to taste the flavor of the design month.

When you decide to focus on things that matter instead of trends and styles you can create timeless decorating for yourself too.

If you stay in the crazy land of chasing down every last trend thinking, this is it, I’ve figured it out, sorry to say you will inevitably end up with a home you regret in a few years.

However if you actually take the time to figure out what you love instead of what others tell you to love… timeless design is just around the corner for you my friend. 

• Now Im going to go over some pointers on how to actually achieve timeless design in your home! •

A. What you actually like:

I want to tell you a story. Design at its core it’s still an art form. On one hand you have creative people pushing the boundaries and trying new things. Some of these things most people will not live with because for the majority of people think that they look crazy. However, on occasion, some designer will create a room that a large enough amount of people would like to live in. Now you have an aesthetic that people like. Now remember, the majority of people like this room… idk about you but I run from things that a majority stamp with their approval, there is nothing authentic about this, or original. But you still haven’t reached normal people level yet… NOW the furniture manufacturers see this space, see that its popular and start crapping out furniture that fits so that every Tara, Danielle, and Hannah can buy it for her home! Now you have a “design style” and millions of people with the same exact house because one designer got famous for one room on instagram. 

Don’t be like Hannah, sorry if you name is Hannah I love Hannahs… but don’t be like my Hannah here!

Figure out what you actually like for yourself, or risk falling into the trap that was the magic of all of the design trends of yester-year. 

B. Get things with history or a story:

Another trick. Along the same lines as figuring out what you like. If you buy things that exist outside the flavor of the moment your home will instantly have a more timeless feel to it. Because you actually have figured out what your aesthetic is you aren’t depending on crate and barrel to tell you what looks good right now. You confidently shop at consignment stores and thrift shops knowing what you like and what looks good to you! And all of that history and vibe gets transferred to your home. Along the same line is having things that have a story for you. Things that are passed down or collected for special reasons for you emanate more beautiful and special energy in your home no matter what it is. Now because you have collected things from a multitude of time frames no one is going to be able to pin you to a passe style!

C. Collect over time: 

This tip is really important! And I really know how hard it is to stick to because… 

I'm the special kind of psycho that likes to move homes and unpack/ set up everything in the same day. But please don’t buy everything at once for a room (unless you hire a professional who knows how to layer). When you decide to do a whole space it’s really tempting to just go to a few stores you like and get it all done. But when you do this you don’t have an open mind to what else is out there your space. It is inevitably going to age much more quickly. 

D.  Have a neutral base:

Now don’t take this personally. You should go wild with color in things you can swap out easily. But only choose wallpaper or bold paint colors, or bold furniture that you are over the moon obsessed with, and understand that when you do choose this path you may regret it sooner, which is ok if you actually choose it with your whole heart! 

E. Only follow trends and details that you like:

Stop following the crap around you blindly. It’s mass produced and the only reason you are seeing it is most likely is because there’s a massive ad campaign made to turn every (w)itch into another version of her neighbor as previously stated. Sorry to break it to you but you didn’t discover mid century modern... Don’t follow styles to a tee or risk phasing out sooner than you would like! Styles are for the birds, they are literally made up. Pick and choose the elements out of all of them that you like only. No need to follow any set of rules fully. Honestly instead of getting a well appointed space your room is going to look like an old catalogue.

F. No one else’s opinion matters (literally no ones):

I don’t care if it’s the most famous interior designer in the world, or your Mom, or Julia Roberts. Don’t let anyone tell you what is cool, you tell them what’s cool for you… because news flash it’s your house. Plus who would you really take advise from? Who’s life would you really honestly trade yours for...No one that’s who!

H. Do your homework:

Sorry folks I’m talking about real effort! Not I’ll pay for some style, no worries here… or. 2day shipping please.

You cannot have a beautiful home that reflects who you are, or a timelessly designed interior without investing some of your own time into it. Period. Trust the professionals for their knowledge only, but Don’t outsource your aesthetic to anyone else.

I employ all of these tips in my own environment. I know that when I care about what I’m designing, I really take the time to do my research and look around, and I trust myself, I can never lose. This is because I’m a creative on the leading edge of the universe and because I am, so are you!

Let me know if you guys found any of these tips helpful. I would also love to hear how you all seek timeless design in your own environment!

Thank you so much for reading!


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