Catherine Rose Design

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A Love Letter To My Clients...

Love Letter To My Clients …

Thank you. Thank you for trusting me with your environment. One thing I need you to know is that this process is about you. Driven by you. The only way that I can create anything is by drawing off the energy that you bring to me. That you are. You are the creative here. I know you hired me thinking that I was going to come in and create for you the environment that you imagined. But what you have not yet realized is this is your creation. You are the one that either allows or not your dreams to be realized in your home. My only job is to be a filter and gently guide you. Reading you I will point you towards the things I think may light you up. Only according to what you open and offer up to me as your designer can I create anything. I am completely powerless without the divine inspiration that you are, that you embody as the creator of your own reality. Dive deep. Give me your dreams and I will realize your best environment through you. Lean in, write down what you would like your world to look like. Feel that you have that space. Offer up all that you are so that we can create the environment that supports your deepest self. Get excited! We are here together to shape your new reality. Create the backdrop through which you and your family will live your lives. This beauty is already yours, and it can only ever be yours. It exists within you already. Let me help you let it out to color your world. 
