Catherine Rose Design

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How to find the best designer and interior design services for you.

Hi people! I know that there is a big wide universe of design services out there! Would you like to know how to find the best online interior design services for you? In this guide I’m going to tell you how in two easy steps.

Step #1: get clear on what you want out of your home!

  • Do you have a clear idea on what you want?

  • Do you have inspiration and a direction already in mind?

  • How do you want to live?

  • Who are you? Not your job or name, but describe yourself deep down!

  • Why do you want a new space?

  • How do you want to live?

  • Are you going to re-use any elements?

  • Do you have a color palette in mind?

  • Do you need help choosing paint or other materials?

  • Are you ready to learn?!

* If you need help with any of this ask your designer before you start the project if they can help you define everything with you!

I’ve added some other resources to help with the above questions if you are stuck or don’t have clear language for the answers…

Who you are:

(This informs what you want in your environment its literally the most important question!)

What you want:

*If you are confused on the difference between style vs. aesthetic

If you come prepared with this information to share with any designer before a project they will be so grateful and able to create a much deeper and overall better design experience for you!

Step #2: Now define what you want in a designer

Most times I understand that when my clients are searching for someone to design their environment they look for that designer’s past projects. This is a very important part of the selection process as you should resonate with the work that your prospective designer is putting out into the universe. However often these projects resonate with that original client the most, keep an open mind to what your designer can create for you. In the end the absolute most important factor is if you like who your designer is as a person!

Interior design is a super intimate experience. When you hire a designer you are inviting them into your inner sanctum. You should first and foremost make absolutely sure that your designer is “your people”. Above and beyond this you want to choose someone that you can learn from, not just design tips but real life stuff too.

Don’t just look at their other work! Look at their website. Find them on instagram. Find their Pinterest and see if they are randomly pinning things that you are into! Bonus points if you find some great design inspiration for your project on your designers own Pinterest. YOU KNOW you are on the right track of hiring a great fit for you when that happens!

After you do some research and find some designers that may be good for you reach out to them! They really want to talk to you, as a designer, I know this…

Now when you speak with your prospects no matter the channel keep the following questions in mind. Also remember how the designers make you feel when you talk to them! You want good vibes only!

So define what you want in your designer:

  • Are they responsive to your needs?

  • Would they be your friend if they weren’t your designer (not a mutually exclusive concept!!)

  • Do they listen?

  • Do they make an effort to get to know you?

  • Do they create a personal experience for you?

  • Do they take complete control?

  • Do they stop to help you learn along the way and teach you new things?

  • Do they have a similar aesthetic to you? (This shouldn’t matter too much, focusing on your own is though!)

  • Do they care about how you want to live?

  • Do they impose their aesthetic on you?

  • Are they willing to work with the pieces you already own and love?

  • What do they care about more… (probably the most intense trap I see clients fall into!)

    • Your environment’s outcome reflecting who you are?

    • Their project staying on their brand and reflecting who they are?

If you truly resonate with who a designer is you will resonate with their process as well. Their interior design services are usually always a reflection of how they show up as a designer, and as a human. When you speak to your designer prospects be sure to ask them what their process is like! See if they can send you anything to get an idea of who they are are a designer specifically. Often designers have resources describing their ethos and you need to know how they operate and what you can expect! Because all designers are different you can expect just as many different processes. If you are stuck between online interior design or a traditional local designer see this article - Is Online Interior Design Right For You .

If you are interested in my specific process reach out here!

No matter who your designer is the interior design process should always be about you. Now go out there and find the designer of your dreams. They are going to be so excited to meet you because they are actively looking for someone just like you too! I would know!


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I also have the following blogs and resources to help you with your holistic interior design goals if you are looking for more!:

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