First Name
Last Name
Address 1
Address 2
Zip/Postal Code
What is your preferred communication method. Email, Video Chat, Text?
Video Chat
What rooms are we working on?
1. In your dreams, how do you envision using your home (break it down by space) IE: entertaining? relaxing, how many people are over at a time etc. Use as much detail as possible!
2. How does your home feel to you in your perfect reality, if you wish you can use three adjectives such as... IE: Comfortable, Classic and Natural or Fun, Bright and Stylish.
3. What do you want to fix about your current spaces, what does not work for you? (If it is a new space describe what didn't work in past spaces for you).
4. Why did you reach out to me? What do you wish to get out of this experience?
5. Please choose 2-3 design magazines per person involved in the project and mark up any visual element that you love or loathe. *Describe how the things that stick out to you make you feel either way. *Look at individual pieces on their own and the overall vibe of the rooms you see. (Don't analyze this process too much. You may hate every individual piece in the room but like the overall vibe, just go with your gut.) Examples: Elle Decor, Architectural Digest, House Beautiful, Dwell, Luxe etc.
6. If possible build a Pinterest Board with the spaces that you are drawn to! Send it to me here. If any of these rooms are the perfect room make a note!
7. What is your color palette?
8. What metal finishes do you love? Which do you dislike?
9. What styles or trends do you love and hate?
10. Anything you abhor in particular? Materials, Patterns, Textures?
11. Do you have any special requests per space? (like child friendly, storage, etc.)
12. Are you planning on keeping any pieces in the space? If so please send a photo and measurements for me!
13. Who is living in the house and what would you say your collective lifestyle is?
14. How long do you plan to stay in your home?
15. What is your budget? (overall & by room: need dollar amount please!)
16. What is your timeline for this project?
17. How did you find me?
18. Have you worked with a designer before?
18a. If Yes, how did that go for you?
Send me pictures of your favorite piece or ideally multiple pieces of artwork that you like!